AnnCleevesの警部ヴェラ・スタンホープシリーズ第2作です。 海外から取り寄せて読んだものです。写真のように前後表紙は傷みが目立ち経年のやけもありますが、書き込みなどはなく読むには支障ありません。 本文410ページ。 After years of deadly silence, a killer re-emerges Ten years after Jeanie Long was charged with the murder of fifteen-year-old Abigail Mantel, residents of the East Yorkshire village of Elvet are disturbed to hear of new evidence proving Jeanie's innocence. Abigail's killer is still at large. For Emma Bennett, the revelation brings back haunting memories of her vibrant best friend - and of the fearful winter's day when she discovered her body lying cold in a ditch. As DI Vera Stanhope makes fresh inquiries, villagers are taken back to a time they would rather forget. Inevitably tensions begin to mount, but are people afraid of the killer, or of their own guilty pasts? カテゴリ本、雑誌、コミック洋書Fiction & Literature商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり配送の方法おてがる配送(日本郵便)発送までの日数1〜2日で発送発送元の地域奈良県商品IDz335452080